Worship at Mount Harmony Baptist Church


Give unto the Lord, the glory due unto his name;
worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
– Psalm 29:2

It is important for everyone to live up to their God-given potential. Make a decision to search your heart and consider the direction your life is going. Do you feel like something is missing in your life? Have you ever felt empty?

You may find temporary satisfaction in many things on this earth, but you will never be completely satisfied and filled until you start living your life the way God intended.

Jesus said, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required:" (Luke 12:48). Don't waste your life, and forfeit the many blessings you could receive by living for Him.

Whoever builds their life centered on the Word of God has built their life on the only reliable foundation. It is impossible to imagine anything more secure or certain. God promises to save all who believe on Christ. The conclusion in inevitable: the believer is eternally secure and has hope beyond the realm of human imagination.

I n the storms and trials of life this hope serves as an anchor of the soul. A life built on the Word of God is a life that is kept from drifting on the wild waves of doubt and despair. Our hope is not a maybe so hope; it is a rock solid unshakable conclusion. This hope becomes our anchor and this anchor is embedded in heaven. The anchor is not cast in the shifting sands of this world, but is secured in the presence of God.

Opportunities for Worship

  • Morning Worship: 10:00 AM
What to Expect When You Visit

At Mount Harmony we don't waste our lives thinking up new rules for people to try to live by. We know this does not edify the body, or create an environment of personal growth. Our prayer is that people will respond to the calling of the Holy Spirit and come to know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior. This has been God's plan since the beginning of time. He knows you. He knows what you are thinking right now. Will you answer the call?

When you come for a visit, don't expect to be judged. You might find that at other places, but not at Mount Harmony. We believe Jesus gave His churches specific instructions to tell people about the good news. The good news is God has provided a substitute for our sin. We believe this act of God's grace was intended for everyone. Who are we to decide who should be allowed to hear the gospel? Before Jesus ascended into heaven He told His church to "Go ye therefore, and teach all nations," (Matthew 28:19). Come, receive Him, worship, and receive the blessings that accompany sharing the good news of a Savior who died for the world. God bless you!

Mount Harmony Baptist Church Benton Arkansas
About Us
Mount Harmony Baptist Church
Mount Harmony Baptist Church Benton Arkansas
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Mount Harmony, Staff