Mount Harmony Missionary Baptist Church


Worship is one thing and entertainment is another, and it is
dangerous business to play lightly with holy things, to tickle the senses in place of calling men to bow their hearts in faith and repentance. — John C. Neville

The brook would lose its song if you removed the rocks.
– Author Unknown

Our Pastor

J ohn J. Bagby, Sr. answered Mount Harmony's call as pastor in 2015. A native of Little Rock, Arkansas; son of a Baptist preacher, pastor and missionary, his own pastoral ministry of over 30 years has taken him to several parts of Arkansas and also into other areas of the United States.

As a graduate of the Missionary Baptist Seminary in Little Rock, Arkansas, he will readily share with you that the study of God's Word is a lifetime commitment. Every child of God, requires a healthy and balanced diet on a regular basis to grow in God's grace.

Pastor Bagby's goal is to expose the Scriptures in simplistic terminology and give his listeners an application of those Scriptures for their lives. Just knowing the meaning of God's Word is not enough. We must daily, apply God's Word to our lives and allow God to shape us as only He is able to do through His Word.

Our Invitation
  • We invite you to join us for worship in our next service
  • We invite you to contact us
  • We pray you find peace with God through Jesus Christ
Worship in Song

Sunday Choir Practice
  • Not Currently Meeting

Wednesday Choir Practice
  • Not Currently Meeting

R on Bunger joined Mount Harmony as our Worship in Song Leader in 2018. A native of De Kalb, Texas; son of a Baptist preacher, pastor and missionary, his philosophy may be readily observed as he so aptly leads Mount Harmony's choir and they in turn lead the congregation of Mount Harmony Baptist Church.

Bro. Bunger earned his Bachelor of Music Education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and his Masters in Music Education at Southern University of Arkansas. He has faithfully served as the Director of Music in Baptist Churches for over 50 years and has a distinguished teaching career of over 35 years in public schools and colleges.